ISIS Leader Killed, Biden Steps in to Take Credit

Joe Biden / Gage Skidmore / Flickr / January 18, 2020 / CC BY-SA 2.0 /

A US Special Forces raid took place overnight in northwestern Syria a few weeks ago. Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al-Qurashi, the leader of ISIS died during the raid. 

Al Qurayshi detonated a huge amount of explosives around his body… killing himself, his wife, and some of his children. It was reported that no Americans were injured and all returned safely.

According to US officials, troops called out for civilians to get out of the building. They safely removed a couple and their four children from the first floor before the explosion ripped through the walls of the top floor.

Biden delivered his remarks on the US Special Forces operation that killed the ISIS leader and tried to take credit. He said during a press, “This terrorist had chosen to surround himself with families, including children.”

Then he continued speaking as if he contributed to the operations. Biden added, “We made a choice to pursue a Special Forces raid at a much greater risk for our own people rather than targeting him with an airstrike. We made this choice to minimize civilian casualties.”

The demo-rat continued mocking al-Qurashi and called him a coward. He said, “A final act of desperate cowardness power. He had no regard for the lives of his own family or others in the building.  He chose to blow himself up… not just with the vest. But to blow up that third floor… rather than face justice for the crimes he’s committed.”

Biden isn’t any different. He’s also a coward who has no regard for people’s lives. Let’s not forget the way he forced us his vaccine mandates, caused inflation, and gave us empty promises.

We all know that Biden is never a competent leader, to begin with. He is very untrustworthy because he uses whatever or whoever he can to cover up for all his failures. We’ve seen him:

If the raid was successful, then there’s a big chance that Biden had nothing to do with the planning and knew nothing of it…

It seems that Biden is trying to find a win where he could grab the credit to distract everyone from his failures as a leader. All these are just diversions for taking America further down the rabbit hole.

Leaders like Biden do not see the real success behind the scene… he only takes the credit. Salute to the men and women who identified, planned, and implemented the mission. These people are the ones who deserve our gratitude.

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